Working Parties

Meet colleagues and discuss your work. If you are an ISBT member and have a solid background in a specific topic related to the field of Transfusion Medicine, you can join one of the ISBT Working Parties.

Our Working Parties are topic-driven groups that promote science research and best practice in their areas of expertise across the transfusion chain.  As a member of a working party you can actively discuss your work with like-minded colleagues from around the globe, attend working party meetings, have access to the members-only content and join discussions.

Currently, ISBT has a total of 16 Working Parties, some of them work closely together. Each Working Party has a formal committee structure and is coordinated by a Chair or Co-Chairs. To read more information about the Working Parties, click on the Working Party of interest below. 

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Basic Transfusion Biology

The Basic Transfusion Biology Working Party is focused on promoting experimental design approaches that investigate the molecular and cellular basis of how blood transfusions and related pathologies, and biotherapies, work.

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Big Data

Our aim is to advance big data research in transfusion medicine, promote public health use of donor data and samples, and raise awareness of emerging technologies relevant to transfusion biology.

Denese Marks

Blood Components

Our aim is to promote best practice, monitor trends and emerging new practices, facilitate improvements and raise awareness of blood component manufacturing and research globally.

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Blood supply management

Our aim is to optimise the use of donated blood and blood component wastage along the whole chain.

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Cellular Therapies

Our mission is to raise awareness of cellular therapies and support their improvement globally within Transfusion Medicine.

Arwa Al-Riyami

Clinical Transfusion

The aim of this working party is to promote evidence-based clinical transfusion and patient blood management practices by developing educational tools and best practice recommendations, providing expert opinions, and conducting research with a global focus.

Rachel Thorpe

Donors and Donation

Our aim is to monitor trends and emerging new practices related to blood donors and donation and facilitate training in resource-limited countries.

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Global Blood Safety

Our aim is to foster and support global improvements in blood safety and availability.

Behnaz Bayat

Granulocyte Immunobiology

Our aim is to enable collaborations in granulocyte immunobiology by bringing together members working in a (diagnostic) laboratory, research and/or clinical setting.

Mary Townsend


Our aim is to improve safety for blood donors and transfusion recipients through promoting and supporting haemovigilance systems.



Our aim is to promote best practice and facilitate improvements in immunohaematology through education, exchange of ideas/resources and support red cell serology, molecular testing, antigen/allele matching and transfusion recommendations.

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Information Technology

Our aim is to exchange ideas and information related to Information Technology for use in Transfusion Medicine.

Brian Curtis

Platelet Immunobiology

Our aim is to enable collaborations in platelet immunobiology by bringing together members working in a (diagnostic) laboratory, research and/or clinical setting.

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Quality Management

Our aim is to define quality systems in blood transfusion medicine and to promote education and training in Quality Management

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Rare Donors

Our aim is to enhance international collaboration to enable provision of rare blood to patients.

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Red Cell Immunogenetics and Blood Group Terminology

Our aim is to develop and maintain guidelines for blood group antigen and allele nomenclature for use in Transfusion Medicine and related sciences.

Brian Custer

Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases

Our aim is to evaluate and advance safety of blood transfusion by analysing Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases, coordinating international studies and publishing scientific reports.


Early bird registration for ISBT Milan closes in one week! đŸ“£

You have one week left to take advantage of our early bird registration rates - save up to €220 if you register for ISBT Milan before April 1. 

For more info about the ISBT Congress in Milan, click here