ISBT Foundation

In addition to facilitating the educational activities of the Society, the ISBT Academy asses requests from external organisations in low and middle income countries for support for specific educational activities. These Academy approved activities are supported financially by the Foundation of the International Society of Blood Transfusion.

The primary goals of the Foundation are:

  1. To support educational activities relating to the practice of transfusion medicine and allied fields globally, with a special focus on areas of low and medium human development.
  2. To manage and administer the funds granted to it annually by the ISBT, in support of the Foundation’s primary objectives.
  3. To ensure that the funds are responsibly used for education to sustain and improve the safety and health of blood donors and transfused patients.
  4. To ensure that, in collaboration with ISBT, funded programs meet or exceed accepted standards and are compatible with the maintenance or improvement of acceptable practice in the field.
  5. To monitor the effectiveness of the utilisation of funds, with particular reference to the completion of educational programs in a timely manner, and the satisfaction levels of program attendees.

The Foundation is advised by an Advisory committee who review applications for financial support. Applications in excess of €5,000 are signed off by the Foundation following advice from the Advisory committee.

The Foundation operates on a not for profit basis.

Management of the Foundation

The Foundation is managed by the Foundation Board consisting of a minimum of five and a maximum of seven persons. There are two classes of Foundation Board member: ex officio and general. The ex officio members are the Secretary General of ISBT, the Treasurer of ISBT and the Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy. General Foundation Board members are elected by the Board of ISBT and serve a three year term. They may be re-elected for one further term.

Current members of the Foundation Board are:

Ravi Reddy

Ravi Reddy

ISBT Foundation Board Chairperson, CEO, South African National Blood Service, Johannesburg, South Africa

General Board Members 
Lin Fung

Lin Fung

ISBT President-Elect, Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory Science at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Gwen Clarke

Gwen Clarke

ISBT Secretary General, Chair of the Vox SC; Clinical Professor, University of Alberta, Canada, Edmonton, Canada

So-Yong Kwon

So-Yong Kwon

ISBT Foundation General Board member, Director, Blood Transfusion Research Institute, Korean Red Cross, Seoul, South Korea

Martin Smid

Martin Smid

ISBT Treasurer, Global Blood Safety Working Party Treasurer, Managing Director, Sanquin Consulting Services, The Netherlands


None of the Foundation officers will receive any remuneration as all are volunteers interested in the provision of a safe blood supply for patients who may require a blood or blood component transfusion.



Stichting van The International Society of Blood Transfusion
Marnixstraat 317, 1016 TB Amsterdam
RSIN/ANBI 815743531