ISBT Awards and Prizes

This page displays information on all ISBT awards, prizes and fellowships. 
Please click on the title below to read more about procedures, regulations and previous winners.


Judith Chapman Award

Information about the Judith Chapman Award

The Judith Chapman Award was established in 2023 in honour of the Society's first Executive Director, reflecting her passion for supporting people in their professional development, in particular the fields of leadership and management.

The award's value is up to €7,500 in the form of a scholarship to undertake a leadership or management course, an annual membership of the ISBT, if not already a member, and complimentary attendance, including costs at an ISBT congress. The award will be made biennially associated with the ISBT International Congress, where it will be presented at the opening ceremony.  

Transfusion professionals in a leadership role at an early stage of their career (5-10 years experience) are eligible for nomination by an ISBT member. Nominees do not need ISBT members at the time of their nomination.

Applications for the Judith Chapman 2024 award have now closed. 


At least six months before an international congress, a call for nominations will be made, by the ISBT Central Office (CO) on behalf of the ISBT Board

The nomination application should be a statement including:

  1. Why the person should be considered for the award giving examples of leadership in practice and the personal criteria below:
    1. Be a champion, an encourager, a visionary and passionate about their role.
    2. Demonstrate courage, humility, integrity, credibility and creativity 
    3. Be willing to adapt to situations and propose changes to practice if required The application should be accompanied by a letter of endorsement by the head of the department or a senior manager at the nominee’s workplace if the nominator is not in one of these roles.
  2. The application should be accompanied by a letter of endorsement by the head of the department or a senior manager at the nominee’s workplace if the nominator is not in one of these roles
  3. Details of and a link to the management/leadership course requested (this course may be in person or online)

The nominations will be scored by members of the ISBT Executive Committee according to written criteria:

  1. Personal attributes listed above.
  2. Demonstration of leadership in practice
  3. Work in a position to benefit from leadership training and to put this training to use within the field of transfusion medicine.
  4. Suitability/relevance of the proposed course
  5. Lack of other opportunities for courses for the individual and within the country/region 

The recipient of the award will be the highest-scoring nominee. In the event of a tie, the Executive Committee may decide to revote or split the award.  

The recipients will receive their certificate during the opening ceremony of the ISBT international congress and the grant to undertake the course will be paid directly to the providing institution on registration.

The winner will provide an article for Transfusion Today outlining their experience on the course and how it has benefitted their practice. 

Application Form Judith Chapman Award

Applications for the Judith Chapman 2024 award have now closed. 

Recipient of Judith Chapman 2024


Beukou Fonkou Hygin Steve

Beukou Fonkou Hygin Steve

Transfusion Medicine Specialist and Head of Blood Transfusion Services, Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS)

Passionate about translating transfusion medicine-related research into evidenced-based practice. Moreover as transfusion medicine specialist, inquisitive about developing context-based protocols in clinical transfusion and global blood safety programmes for the community. This drive led Steve to join the Quality Management and Global Blood Safety working parties of the ISBT. Moreover, Steve was selected as a Harold Gunson Fellow at the ISBT congress of 2021 and was an “ I TRY IT” 2023 mentee.

Post his MD degree as valedictorian, he obtained a scholarship to specialize in transfusion medicine at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Currently, he serves a transfusion medicine specialist and head of blood transfusion services for the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) with over 5000 staff. He oversees the improvement of its quality management system via bridging the gap between demand and supply of blood, ensuring GMP of blood components, appropriate use of clinical blood, hemovigilance, training and education of the healthcare staff involved in transfusion etc while working towards international accreditation such as that of the African Society for Blood Transfusion.

His passion in PDMPs further led him to join the Global Blood Supply WP of the ISBT where he takes part in activities of the Safe Plasma Proteins subgroup. Furthermore, he was one of the few Harold Gunson Fellows in 2021, presented a couple of scientific research at the ISBT congresses and is an I TRY IT Mentee 2023. In addition, merging digital technology and transfusion medicine led to the birth of the social venture, Blood Track (, which he coordinates.

His aspiration to contribute in the transfusion medicine world at a bigger scale, spurred him to enroll in the Management in Transfusion Medicine Program (MBA in transfusion medicine) offered by the University of Groningen in partnership with Sanquin.




Jean Julliard Prize

Information about the Jean Julliard Prize

The Jean Julliard Prize recognises clinicians or scientists who are under 40 years of age and have a noteworthy portfolio of recent published work contributing to advances in transfusion medicine. Individual members of ISBT may self-nominate for the Jean Julliard Prize. The Prize is awarded every two years at the International Congress.

The prize of € 5,000 is open to members and nonmembers of the Society under the age of 40. The Prize is awarded during the next International congress of the ISBT. The successful candidates are required to give a presentation on their submission during the Congress. Travel, registration, and accommodation costs for the congress will be covered by ISBT. Candidates should submit their application through the below online application form.

Applications for the 2024 Jean Julliard Prize have now closed. 

Regulations for the Jean Julliard Prize
Winners of the Jean Julliard Prize

Recipient of the Jean Julliard Prize 2024


Linda Schönborn

Linda Schönborn

Universitätsmedizin Greifswald, Germany

Jean Julliard Prize Application Form

Applications for the 2024 Jean Julliard Prize have now closed. 


ISBT Award for Developing Countries

Information about the ISBT Award for Developing Countries

The ISBT Award for Developing Countries is awarded to a Blood Service/Centre or a Department of Transfusion medicine within a medical institution from a Developing Country that has made a significant contribution in strengthening Blood Transfusion Practice within the Country. Qualifying developing countries will be those that are considered low or lower middle income according to the World Bank index.

The Award is in the form of full sponsorship for two delegates from the winning institution to attend an International Congress of the ISBT (airfares, registration, accommodation and per diem). The award also includes sponsorship of an education symposium in the country of the winning applicant (value €10,000). The Award winner will be presented with a certificate at the Opening Ceremony of the International Congress and will be expected to give a presentation in one of the scientific sessions.

The Developing Countries Award 2024 will be presented at the 38th International Congress of the ISBT in Barcelona June 23-27, 2024.

Applications for the ISBT Award for Developing Countries for 2024 have now closed. 


Recipients of the Award


The winner of the Developing Country Award is the Prathama Blood Center in Ahmedabad, India, 

Previous winners

Winners of the ISBT Award for Developing Countries

Application Form Developing Country Award

Applications for the ISBT Award for Developing Countries has now closed. 


ISBT Award


The ISBT Award will be granted to a person or an organisation that contributes or has contributed in an outstanding way to the education of blood transfusion or transfusion medicine science. The selection of the Award winner(s) and the granting of this Award is a prerogative of the Executive Committee of ISBT.

Recipients of the ISBT Award

Linley Bielby

Linley Bielby

Winner 2024 ISBT Award, TP Working Party Subgroup Chair, Blood Matters Program Manager, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Melbourne, Australia

Jay Epstein

Jay Epstein

Winner 2024 ISBT Award, Global Blood Safety Working Party Chair, Medical Officer, COVID-19 Therapeutics Program, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, HHS, US

Christine Lomas-Francis

Christine Lomas-Francis

Former Chair of the Rare Donors Working Party 2014-2022, Formal Technical Director, FIBMS, New York Blood Centre, Lab Immunohaematology & Genomics, New York, USA

John Semple

John Semple

Basic Transfusion Biology WP Treasurer, Professor of Transfusion Medicine, Lund University, Sweden

Judith Chapman

Judith Chapman

ISBT Award Winner 2020, Past Executive Director of ISBT (2008-2020), Retired

Dana Devine

Dana Devine

ISBT Award Winner 2020, Chief Medical & Scientific Officer, Canadian Blood Services, Vancouver, Canada

Susan Stramer

Susan Stramer

ISBT Award Winner 2020, Executive Scientific Officer, American Red Cross, Maryland, USA

Ellen van der Schoot

Ellen van der Schoot

ISBT Award Winner 2019, Professor in Experimental Immunohematology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Roger Dodd

Roger Dodd

ISBT Standing Committee on Ethics Member, Independent Consultant Transfusion Transmitted Infections, American Red Cross, Derwood, USA

Neelam Marwaha

Neelam Marwaha

ISBT Standing Committee on Ethics Member, Professor and Head, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India

Masahiro Satake

Masahiro Satake

ISBT Award Winner 2019, Director General of Central Blood Institute, Blood Service Headquarters of Japanese Red Cross, Tokyo, Japan

Diana Teo

Diana Teo

ISBT Standing Committee on Vox Sanguinis Member, Senior Director, Blood Services Group at Health Sciences, Singapore

Peter Flanagan

Peter Flanagan

ISBT Award Winner 2018, Transfusion Medicine Specialist , New Zealand Blood Service, Auckland, New Zealand

Pierre Robillard

ISBT Award Winner 2018, Medical Director, Héma-Québec, Montreal, Canada



ISBT Presidential Award


The Foundation Transfusion Medicine grants this Award to a senior person who has made eminent contributions to transfusion medicine or a related field through original basic or applied research, the practice of transfusion therapy or through significant educational and/or service contribution to the field.

A short curriculum vitae of the proposed candidate and a description of his/her contribution in transfusion medicine, accompanied with three signatures of ISBT members who support the nomination, should be sent to the Secretary- General of the Foundation, Henk Reesink.

The Nomination Committee (consisting of the ISBT President, the ISBT President-Elect, the ISBT Scientific Officer, the Chairman and a member of Board of the Foundation Transfusion Medicine) will decide which candidate will be nominated.

The ISBT Presidential Award is presented every two years at the International Congress of the ISBT. 


Recipients of the ISBT Presidential Award

Thierry Burnouf

Thierry Burnouf

Professor and Vice-Dean at the College of Biomedical Engineering, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan

Nancy Heddle

Nancy Heddle

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2022, Professor Emeritus, Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada

Anneke Brand

Anneke Brand

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2020, Professor in Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Leiden University Hospital, Leiden, The Netherlands

Michael Busch

Michael Busch

ISBT Past President, ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2018, Institute Director Senior VP Of Research , Vitalant Research Institute, San Fransisco, USA

Harvey G. Klein

Harvey G. Klein

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2016, Distinguished Visiting Professor of Pathology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA

Dennis Lo

Dennis Lo

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2014, Professor of Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Robert Harry Purcell

Robert Harry Purcell

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2012, Former Co-chief of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, US

Paul (Cornelius Paulus) Engelfriet

Paul (Cornelius Paulus) Engelfriet

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2010. University Teacher, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sherrill J. Slichter

Sherrill J. Slichter

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2008

Claes F. Högman

Claes F. Högman

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2006, Professor in Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Karolinska Insitutet, Stockholm, Sweden

David Anstee

David Anstee

ISBT Presidential Award Winner, 2004, Director , Bristol Institute of Transfusion Science (BITS), United Kingdom

Jean-Pierre Cartron

Jean-Pierre Cartron

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2004, Scientific Director, National Blood Transfusion Center, Paris, France

Harvey J. Alter

Harvey J. Alter

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2002, Scientist Emeritus Transfusion Medicine Department, NIH Clinical Center, Bethesda, US

Patrick Loudon Mollison

Patrick Loudon Mollison

ISBT Presidential Award Winner 2000, Director, Medical Research Council's Blood Transfusion Research Unit, London, UK



Harold Gunson Fellowship

The Harold Gunson Fellowship gives transfusion professionals an opportunity to attend ISBT congresses. A limited number of grants will be made available for ISBT Regional and International congresses. To apply for the fellowship you should:

  1. Be 40 years of age or under at the date of the first day of the congress.
  2. Be the first, submitting and presenting author of an abstract which has been accepted for the scientific programme.
  3. Not have received a Harold Gunson fellowship twice before. Applicants from very high or high HDI countries can only receive the Harold Gunson Fellowship once. 

Application to the Harold Gunson Fellowship can be submitted on the current congress pages.


Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize

The Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize is a scientific award for the best original paper that has been published in ISBT’s journal Vox Sanguinis in the previous calendar year. The editors of Vox Sanguinis will compile a list of papers that qualify for this Prize. The value of the prize is €5000 and is granted by the Standing Committee on Vox Sanguinis and the Editorial Board.

Vox Sanguinis Best Paper Prize Winners