The Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy

This Standing Committee reviews Academy applications, looks after educational projects and the e-learning platform ISBT Education.

Members of the Standing Committee of the ISBT Academy

Lin Fung

Lin Fung

ISBT President-Elect, Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory Science at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Jill Storry

Jill Storry

ISBT Vice President, Associate professor, Division of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Jason Acker

Jason Acker

ISBT Scientific Secretary 2022 - 2025, Senior Scientist, Canadian Blood Services, Edmonton, Canada

Imelda Bates

Imelda Bates

ISBT Academy Standing Committee Member, Chair in Clinical Tropical Haematology, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

Lani Lieberman

Lani Lieberman

ISBT Academy Standing Committee Member, Assistant Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto,Canada

Sophie Uyoga

Sophie Uyoga

Former ISBT YPC member, Research Scientist, KEMRI Welcome Trust research programme, Kilifi, Kenya

Clotilde Estrada Carsolio

Clotilde Estrada Carsolio

ISBT Academy Standing Committee Member, President of

Sally Lam Tsuey Peng

Sally Lam Tsuey Peng

ISBT Academy Standing Committee Member, Secretary & Microbiologist, Malaysian Blood Transfusion Society & Department of Pathology, Ampang Hospital, Malaysia.

Ratti Ram Sharma

Ratti Ram Sharma

ISBT Academy Standing Committee Member, Head of the Department of Transfusion Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,Chandigarh, India

Dina Ekram Shabaan

Dina Ekram Shabaan

ISBT Standing Committee Member, Consultant of Transfusion Medicine & Blood Banks Egypt