Vox Sanguinis Standing Committee

The Vox Sanguinis Standing Committee is responsible for the management of the operational activities of Vox Sanguinis, the Society journal. The Standing Committee functions as a link between the ISBT Board and the Vox Sanguinis Editorial Board.

The Vox Sanguinis Standing Committee activities include:


  • The selection of the journal publisher and oversight of the necessary contracts;
  • Appointment of the Editor-in-Chief and, on the advice of the Editor-in-Chief, the Section Editors of the Journal;
  • Ensuring appropriate declaration of conflicts from the Editor-in-Chief who will in turn assure appropriate conflict of interest declaration from the editorial team.
  • The Standing Committee is not responsible for the scientific content of the Journal. This responsibility rests with the Editor-in-Chief advised by the Section Editors.
  • The Standing Committee advises and consults with the Editor-in-Chief regarding substantive changes to the journal, appearance, content or delivery.
  • The Standing Committee receives annual reports from the Editor-in-Chief and from the publishers.

Members of the Vox Sanquinis Standing committee include Gwen Clarke (ISBT Secretary General and Chair), Lin Fung, and John Semple (ISBT members) and Eric Jansen (ISBT Treasurer). A representative of the publisher, Miquel Lozano the Editor in Chief of Vox Sanguinis and the ISBT Executive Director are invited to the committee as observers. 


Members of the Standing Committee

Gwen Clarke

Gwen Clarke

ISBT Secretary General, Chair of the Vox SC; Clinical Professor, University of Alberta, Canada, Edmonton, Canada

Lin Fung

Lin Fung

ISBT President-Elect, Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory Science at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia

Martin Smid

Martin Smid

ISBT Treasurer, Global Blood Safety Working Party Treasurer, Managing Director, Sanquin Consulting Services, The Netherlands

Miquel Lozano

Miquel Lozano

Editor-in-Chief of Vox Sanguinis, Chief in Hemotherapy and Hemostasis section, Clinic Hospital in Barcelona, Spain

John Semple

John Semple

Basic Transfusion Biology WP Treasurer, Professor of Transfusion Medicine, Lund University, Sweden