
This transfusion education framework has been developed by ISBT to support clinical staff who are delivering transfusion training and education to patient facing teams and provides a framework to assist in their teaching plans.

Target Audience 

This framework is focused on education for nursing staff and those who administer blood to patients.

An education framework for Doctors is also available through this link:


To provide a comprehensive transfusion training framework developed and supported by international transfusion experts via ISBT that can be adapted to local standards and guidelines.


  • The training delivered is standardised with the key points
  • Local standards & guidelines are included so the learner is given the local information required

The Authors

On behalf of the Education & Transfusion Practitioner subgroups of the ISBT Clinical Transfusion Working Party.

Linley Bielby

Linley Bielby

Winner 2024 ISBT Award, TP Working Party Subgroup Chair, Blood Matters Program Manager, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Melbourne, Australia

Richard R. Gammon

Richard R. Gammon

Clinical Transfusion Working Party Education Subgroup Chair, Medical Director, OneBlood and Transfusion Medicine Specialists in Orlando, Florida, USA

Rachel Moss

Rachel Moss

Transfusion Practitioners Subgroup Chair, Senior Transfusion Practitioner, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK

Divjot Singh Lamba

Divjot Singh Lamba

Clinial Transfusion Working Party Education Subgroup Co-Chair, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India



Click on the banners to go to the chapters.

Disclaimer: All the international links and resources provided were accessed and available at the time of writing (March 2024). The local team are advised to include applicable local links when implementing the framework.

1. Starting with the donor/safe blood

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2. Pre-transfusion

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3. Blood administration

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4. Post-transfusion

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5. Managing transfusion locally

FInd out more

6. Specialist patient groups

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7. Further resources

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Essentials of blood transfusion teaching feedback questionnaire

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