ISBT Highlight Day Programme

Monday, March 4

Venue: Munyonyo Speke Resort, Uganda

Theme: Patient Blood Management

Moderators: Jenny White, Saliou Diop, Ravi Reddy

8:30-8:50 Registration
8:50-9:00 Opening remarks, Jenny White

Session 1. Introduction to Patient Blood Management

9:00-9:20 Introduction to PBM: Principles and objectives of management, Mohammed Farouk
9:20-9:40 Survey on the Patient Blood Management in African Countries - results, Claire Barrett
9:40-10:00 Building PBM capacity in Africa, Karin van den Berg
10:00-10:30 Discussion
10:30-11:00 Tea/Coffee break

Session 2. The three pillars of Patient Blood Management

11:00-11:25 Pillar I: Burden of anaemia and iron deficiency in Africa and what do we do about it? Katerina Pavenski
11:25-12:05 Pillar II: Minimisation of blood loss and optimisation of coagulation - with polling, Claire Barrett
12:05-12:30 Pillar III: Leveraging and optimising the patient-specific physiological tolerance of anaemia, Aggrey Dhabangi
12:30-12:45 Discussion
12:45-14:00 Lunch break

Session 3. Interactive session (group work)
14:00-14:40 Group work in 3 groups on topics of:
  1. Strategy to implement PBM in LMICs and LICs
  2. Barriers and challenges to implement PBM in Africa
  3. Impacts of PBM on health care
14:40-15:00 Presentation group 1. Faten Moftah
15:00-15:20 Presentation group 2. Thabiso Rapodile 
15:20-15:40 Presentation group 3. Fonkou Steve
15:40-16:10 Discussion 
16:10-16:20 Closing remarks, Jenny White


Please visit the event page of the Africa Society for Blood Transfusion (AfSBT) to register and consult information on pricing.


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