Red Cell Transfusion Thresholds for preterm infants: Finally some answers

Red Cell Transfusion Thresholds for preterm infants: Finally some answers

Aim of the webinar:
The aim of the webinar is to discuss the findings/ outcomes of the two of the most recent and path breaking trials (TOP & ETTNO) in Neonatal Transfusions.
Level of education required (1-5):  
3 - intermediate (practical application) and above
What prior knowledge is required?
  1. Kirpalani H, Bell EF, Hintz SR, Tan S, Schmidt B, Chaudhary AS, et al. Higher or Lower Hemoglobin Transfusion Thresholds for Preterm Infants. N Engl J Med. 2020 Dec 31;383(27):2639-2651. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2020248. PMID: 33382931; PMCID: PMC8487591.
  2. Franz AR, Engel C, Bassler D, et al. Effects of Liberal vs Restrictive Transfusion Thresholds on Survival and Neurocognitive Outcomes in Extremely Low-Birth-Weight Infants: The ETTNO Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2020;324(6):560–570. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.10690 

Target audience:

Neonatologists, Pediatricians, Transfusion Medicine physician, Blood bankers, Transfusion practitioners, master of PhD students and Scientists