Financial support of an educational activity

Maximum amount

The maximum amount of funding is €7.500. 

Who is eligible to apply?

1. The ISBT Academy supports educational activities that include face-to-face or virtual. If you are about to apply for an ISBT Highlight Days, please proceed to that page.

  • Events with various duration: multiple days, one full day, half-day or shorter
  • Workshops
  • Educational courses
  • Training courses 

2. Organisations can apply for financial support of an educational activity when applying from countries in the:

  • Low (LIC),
  • Lower Middle (LMIC) or
  • Upper Middle (UMIC) World Bank Index categories

3. Organisations from High Income Countries (HIC) can only request financial support if it is intended to support the attendance of a participant from LIC, LMIC or UMIC. (Table 1 contains the list of HIC with an exception to this rule). Each organisation may only submit one application for financial support in any calendar a year.

4. Organisations from any countries may apply for the use of the ISBT logo or ISBT endorsement of an existing educational course. Organisations can request to use the ISBT logo as many times as required in a year.

5. The educational activity needs to be organised by an established organisation. Individuals and commercial companies cannot request Academy support. 


Eligible costs:

  • International/regional speakers travel and accommodation 
  • Hire of necessary equipment and electronics for the event
  • Hire of venue for time allocated to the ISBT session 
  • Reasonable budget for coffee and lunches for Academy program 
  • Hire of lab resources required for training
  • Purchase of laboratory reagents/consumables for wet lab workshops.

Costs that are not eligible:

  • Honoraria or gifts for the speakers 
  • Stipend of attendees/participants 
  • Event management 
  • Marketing and promotion 
  • Purchase of equipment and computers  
  • Dinners and hospitality events 
  • Photography 
  • Flowers


Applications should be submitted at least 6 months prior to the event.

There are 2 application deadlines a year:

  • April 1
  • October 1

Please note: The applications will be only reviewed after these deadlines. 

Required documents

The organiser must complete the appropriate application form for Academy support, together with the other necessary documentation including: 

  • Justification letter
  • Information about the hosting organisation
  • Programme of the event (preliminary)
  • Detailed event budget indicating what the requested amount will be used for (when applying for financial support)
  • A proposed feedback form
  • Report(s) from any previous ISBT Academy-funded activities (when applicable)
  • If the application is approved, receipts of the expenses need to be submitted to receive payment

Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your application. 

 The below templates can be used for your submission.

Application Form Financial Support

Please submit this form if you would like to apply for financial support.

Take me to the form