Join the Cellular Therapies Working Party

ISBT members who are experts in the field of Cellular Therapies are welcome to join this Working Party.

Applicants must have a documented interest in the area of Cellular Therapies and an active individual ISBT membership to be able to join the group. 

Before you apply for an ISBT Working Party membership, please note that: 

  • You are only eligible to apply for Working Party (WP) membership if you have an active individual ISBT membership
  • Each WP has a slightly different way to elect new members
  • WP's receive the applications quarterly (4 times a year) 
  • Some WP's elect new members only once a year or once in two years
  • Your application might be pending for weeks if not months
  • The WP Chair or secretary will be in touch with you about their decision

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

To apply, please complete the below form.