Clinical transfusion comprises all clinical aspects of blood transfusion and promotes safe practice and appropriate use of blood (components). This includes both the risks and benefits of transfusion as well as close monitoring of patients.

Patients should only be transfused when there is evidence for potential benefit. Occasionally, transfusion alternatives might be considered. In order to optimize patient care in need for blood transfusion, it is crucial to follow an evidence-based, multidisciplinary approach. Patient Blood Management (PBM) comprises patient evaluation and clinical management surrounding this decision-making process. This includes application of appropriate indications, minimization of blood loss and optimization of patient red cells. PBM can reduce allogeneic blood transfusions and health-care costs, while ensuring that blood components are available for patients.


The ISBT clinical transfusion working party is a multidisciplinary working party with an interest in promoting best transfusion practices, and clinical transfusion research. We support ISBT's library of evidence-based guidelines, audits and perform benchmarks.  We accomplish our aim by bringing together international transfusion experts to optimize clinical transfusion practice through the: 

  1. Provision of a platform for exchanging knowledge among transfusion specialists
  2. Developing clinical resources in transfusion medicine 
  3. Updating the ISBT's library of evidence-based guidelines 
  4. Providing opportunities for developing young professionals
  5. Coordinating and publishing international projects

Current Leadership

Arwa Al Riyami

Arwa Al Riyami

Clinical Transfusion Working Party Chair, Senior Consultant Hematopathologist, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman

Mark Yazer

Mark Yazer

Clinical Transfusion Working Party Vice Chair, Professor of Pathology, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Satyam Arora

Satyam Arora

ISBT Regional Director South East Asia, Clinical Transfusion Working Party Secretary, Paediatric Subgroup Chair, Additional Professor, Transfusion Medicine, Post Graduate Institute of Child Health, Noida, India