Education Subgroup

The aim of this subgroup is to explore educational tools and resources for Transfusion Medicine Professionals in the field of Transfusion Medicine.

Knowledge in transfusion medicine has an influence on clinical practice and proper selection of blood components. Blood transfusion is not without risks with ongoing concerns on both infectious and non-infectious potential consequences, and is associated with costs to the healthcare systems. Despite the importance of appropriate use of blood products, a gap in literature exists regarding transfusion education for transfusion  professionals who are involved in day-to-day transfusion practice. Education of all healthcare professionals involved in the vein-to-vein transfusion practice is of importance, considering the complexity of the existing healthcare systems.

About the subgroup

The education  subgroup of the ISBT Clinical Transfusion Working is an international group of professionals with an interest in providing Educational resources for healthcare providers, especially the ones who are early in their careers. 

The subgroup’s objectives are 

  • To bring together health care professionals with interest in transfusion education and share  knowledge/experience.
  • To provide transfusion education resources for ISBT members including e-learning.
  • To study and report on transfusion education world-wide.
  • To identify research questions/unmet needs and promote solutions through collaborative research.

 Subgroup Activities

We strive to hold virtual meetings quarterly and meet in person at the international and regional conferences a minimum of once a year.


Education Resources

The ISBT Transfusion Reaction E-learning Module is an initiative of the ISBT Clinical Transfusion Working Party in collaboration of the European Blood Alliance (EBA). This interactive module allows the participant to learn about different acute transfusion reactions; their recognition, investigation and treatment. The module is accredited and freely accessible through this link:

ISBT Transfusion Reactions eLearning Module

Start the course



Richard R. Gammon

Richard R. Gammon

Clinical Transfusion Working Party Education Subgroup Chair, Medical Director, OneBlood and Transfusion Medicine Specialists in Orlando, Florida, USA

Divjot Singh Lamba

Divjot Singh Lamba

Clinial Transfusion Working Party Education Subgroup Co-Chair, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India


Subgroup members publications and other resources