About and Activities

Learn more about the Global Blood Safety Working Party and its activities.


This WP is intended to look at the 'big picture'. We exchange information and coordinate action programs by individuals or organizations with knowledge and expertise in transfusion medicine and related disciplines. We develop and coordinate international collaborations including scientific studies and offer a global network. We discuss the current blood safety issues from the different regions and the future role of convalescent plasma for treating new epidemics, like Ebola.

Our Chairperson is Martin Smid.


We meet at the ISBT congresses, publish reports and papers and bring together experts and professionals in Global Blood Safety for the development of new projects.


Membership is divided in the following groups:

  • Individual ISBT members
  • Institutional members who will be individual representatives of organizations or government bodies that are Affiliated Members of ISBT
  • Observers, individuals or representatives who are not ISBT members or representatives of Affiliated Members of ISBT, but who are invited participants, or who have an interest in the GBS WP. Observer status is limited to a two-year term which is not renewable
  • Corporate Members, representatives of commercial companies with interest and activity related to global blood safety (maximum of two representatives from each Corporate member)



Early bird registration for ISBT Milan closes in one week! đŸ“£

You have one week left to take advantage of our early bird registration rates - save up to €220 if you register for ISBT Milan before April 1. 

For more info about the ISBT Congress in Milan, click here