Strategic Partners
An ISBT Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is a bilateral agreement outlining a strategic partnership between ISBT and another organisation. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action rather than a legal commitment.
ISBT and strategic partners recognise that their missions, aims, and activities have common elements providing potential for synergy in working together to use their respective resources to pursue mutual interests.
ISBT is proud to have an MoU with each of the following strategic partners:

Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
AABB is an international, not-for-profit Association representing individuals and institutions involved in the fields of transfusion medicine and biotherapies.
AABB is committed to improving health through the development and delivery of standards, accreditation and educational programs that focus on optimizing patient and donor care and safety.
AABB membership includes physicians, nurses, scientists, researchers, administrators, medical technologists and other health care providers. AABB members are located in more than 80 countries and AABB accredits institutions in more than 50 countries.

Brazilian Association of Hematology, Hemotherapy and Cell Therapy (ABHH)
The Brazilian Association of Hematology, Hemotherapy and Cell Therapy (ABHH) was born from the merger of the Brazilian Society of Hematology and Hemotherapy (SBHH) with the Brazilian College of Hematology (CBH). Today, the institution has more than 4 thousand members, after being the first association of associative entities in the country.
- Website:

International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation
ICCBBA is an international non-state actor that manages, develops, and licenses ISBT 128, the international information standard for the terminology, coding and labeling of medical products of human origin. ICCBBA manages the allocation of globally unique identifiers to licensed facilities and maintains the ISBT 128 Standard, international databases for Facility Identification Numbers and Product Description Codes, supporting documentation, and educational materials.
In its efforts to maintain and enhance the ISBT 128 Standard, ICCBBA brings together experts from clinical, scientific, technical, and informatics backgrounds, representatives from scientific and professional societies, and observers from regulatory authorities and industry to review and update the ISBT 128 Standard to ensure it continues to meet the needs of its users.
ICCBBA is a USA based tax-exempt, non-profit organization.
- Website:

Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion (CSBT)
The Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion (CSBT) is a national non-profit industrial social organization voluntarily formed by institutions, enterprises, and related professionals in technology and management
Founded in October 1988,CSBT has about 530 business members. Its organizational structure incorporates one secretariat, three internal committees, and 24 working groups including 17 working parties and 7 working committees. CSBT has held 7 national member conferences and 9 national blood transfusion congresses since it was established.
The 7th CSBT Council was established on November 11, 2016. A total of 182 council members were elected, including 61 standing councilors.

Africa Society for Blood Transfusion (AfSBT)
The mission of the Africa Society for Blood Transfusion (AfSBT) is to advocate for the highest ethical and professional standards and skills in blood transfusion across the African continent, enabling safe, universally accessible and sustainable national blood programmes in participating countries.
The AfSBT will achieve its intended Mission through the implementation of a range of supporting Strategic Objectives. These objectives include:
- Developing and supporting the implementation of the AfSBT Step-wise Accreditation Programme that endorses operating standards of the highest quality for the practice of blood transfusion and takes cognisance of the disparate states of development of blood services in Africa.
- Developing and making available in Africa, the AfSBT Education and Training Programme that is appropriate for the practice of blood transfusion at international standard; courses are based on distance learning and e-learning technology and complement the AfSBT Step-wise Accreditation Programme.
- Designing and establishing distance learning technology to support and disseminate the education programmes and communication platforms of AfSBT.
- Advocating improved blood programmes in African countries, to national authorities, international organisations, and other support groups.
- Communicating and sharing information related to blood transfusion and relevant to the African region.

European Blood Alliance (EBA)
The European Blood Alliance (EBA) is an association of not for profit Blood Establishments, with 28 members (including observers) throughout the European Union and EFTA States. The official seat and office of the Alliance is Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Its mission is threefold:
- To contribute to the availability, quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of the blood and tissue supply for the citizens of Europe by developing and maintaining an efficient and strong collaboration amongst European blood and tissue services.
- To increase public and professional awareness of voluntary and non-remunerated donation (VNRD) of blood and blood components, and of preparation of blood components as an indispensable therapeutic means to help patients.
- To assist European blood establishments to continuously improve their performance, based on scientific and ethical principles for the benefit of patients.
EBA strives towards this mission by assisting our members to improve performance through collaboration, to engage in regulatory affairs to promote best practice and to facilitate information collection and knowledge exchange.

International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines (ICTMG)
The International Collaboration for Transfusion Medicine Guidelines (ICTMG) was established in 2011 to advance the field of transfusion medicine through the development of clinical guidelines. Today, a global network of experts - hematologists, physicians and methodologists - from more than 15 countries contribute to the ICTMG.
Using rigorous, internationally accepted methods, we develop systematic reviews and guidelines to improve outcomes for transfusion patients worldwide.
ICTMG guidelines and the recommendations within these guidelines provide health-care professionals with a framework for making decisions about patient care based on the best available evidence. Our guidelines are intended for health-care professionals involved in transfusion of patients, clinicians, medical directors of transfusion labs, and medical technologists who provide blood products in hospitals. We also develop educational resources to promote understanding and uptake of our guidelines.
The ICTMG is a volunteer-based collaborative. The ICTMG partners with organizations with similar mandates. Our partnership with ISBT allows us to expand the reach of our work.

Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM)
AATM is a manifestation of the determination of leading specialists in Transfusion Medicine from Asian countries to work together towards finding solutions for their common problems in the spirit of friendship, trust and understanding and to create an order based on mutual respect, equality and shared benefits. The primary objective of the Association is to accelerate thescientific progress and common standard in Blood Transfusion Services (BTS) in member states in the South Asian region.