Artificial intelligence and transfusion education, research and practice: The view from the ISBT Clinical Transfusion Working Party

Arwa Z. Al-Riyami, Richard R. Gammon, Jansen Seheult, Satyam Arora, Ruchika Goel


Background and objectives: Artificial intelligence (AI) has been gaining increasing interest in healthcare. During the 2024 International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Congress, the Clinical Transfusion Working Party (CTWP) conducted a session to explore the exciting intersection of AI in transfusion medicine (TM) practice, education and research. We report here the potential applications and the session outcome.

Materials and methods: A pre-workshop survey explored the participants' demographics and areas of use of AI and whether they have had any AI-specific training or education. The workshop included presentations on the regulatory aspects of AI use and its application in TM practice, education and research. These were followed by round-table discussions to explore participants' experience and concerns.

Results: The workshop had 72 attendees, with 38% falling in the 36-45-year age group. A total of 70% indicated the use of AI, but only 12% reported having specific training or education. Participants expressed interest in different potential applications but also shared concerns on over-reliance, potential loss of skills, the accuracy of provided information and content plagiarism.

Conclusion: The findings of the workshop highlight the need for training, educational resources, standards and regulatory frameworks to guide the use of AI tools in the field of TM.

Keywords: ISBT Clinical Transfusion Working Party; artificial intelligence; medical education; medical research; transfusion medicine.

© 2025 International Society of Blood Transfusion.

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