Aim of the webinar

Enhance knowledge, and discuss the challenges and roles of regional blood banks contributions to national rare donor programs.

Level of education required

(1) - Fundamental Awareness (basic knowledge) 

What prior knowledge is required to attend the webinar?

Before you watch the webcast, you are encouraged to read:
1. International rare donor panels: a review. 
    Nance S, Scharberg EA, Thornton N. et al. Vox Sang. 2016 Apr;110(3):209-18. 

2. The American Rare Donor Program.
Flickinger C. Immunohematology. 2016 Jun;32(2):71-73

Target audience

Blood bankers, technicians, managers and any others interested in establishing and enhancing collaboration among blood banks and blood services to increase rare donors and rare blood availability for national and international patients


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