Recipient information in various formats

Recipient education is an essential component of recipient informed consent. Patient educational materials can be provided in print documents, verbally, or via various media (for example, videos). Providing information to patients prior to a transfusion can enlist them as agents in recognizing their own reactions. Provision of post-transfusion information, especially for outpatient transfusion, is important to enable patients to recognize symptoms that should prompt them to alert their health care provider and take steps to protect themselves.  

Consent form templates

Informed consent is a pillar of ethical practice for any medical intervention, including for blood transfusion to a patient. Informed consent is a dynamic event involving more than a signature on a form, and includes ensuring that the patient understands the purpose, risks and benefits of, and alternatives to, a given procedure. Information related to a procedure can be provided in any number of ways, including through printed materials, discussions and audio-visual media.  

Consent form templates

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Recipient information in various formats

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